This is a thought I struggle with a lot: Do I want it enough?
With “it,” I mean being a founder, wanting startup success and actually the idea of “deserving success.” I have these thoughts especially on the weekends and evenings, you know, when I’m NOT working. I might be watching a movie, hanging with my friends or my partner.
In these moments I often hear this voice in the back of my mind: “you don’t want it enough. If you would, you would get up…walk into the office and FUCKING WORK”…
But the realization I’m coming to, or at least trying to get into my head:
Yes, I DO want it enough. Yes, I AM working enough. Heck, I’m working 10-hour days, 5 times a week and sometimes indeed do some stuff on the weekends as well.
I gave up my highly paid job for this. I’ve been living off savings for quite a while already, savings that I could have bought a nice car from or gone on a world trip. I didn’t. I took that money and I’m burning/investing it to do this. To get this company off the ground.
Why? I honestly can’t fully tell you. I want it. Apparently I want it bad enough to do this.
So this goes to the little voice in my head: Fuck you, yes, I want it enough.
And after all I’m trying to build a company that allows me to live a good life, and that includes regularly NOT working. I am good.