Read this article BEFORE you pitch Pinecone, Qdrant, Weaviate, LanceDB,… to your boss. For this article, I assume you know what a vector database/index is. If not, please check out this article explainer article by…
Tag: AI
What is the best place to promote your AI tool? These directories are worth it…
I am currently building an AI video cutting tool ( and as a launch strategy, I want to add it to a few of those “AI Tools/There is an AI for this” website lists. They…
Read more of What is the best place to promote your AI tool? These directories are worth it…
Generate cats out of nowhere with using generative adversarial networks (GANs)
chào anh yêu, this week’s paper will help you to generate as many cat images you need for your internet-memes. Jokes aside, with generative adversarial networks (GANs) we are able to train an ML network…
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How generating images from a sketch helps to improve your Zoom call
გამარჯობა დიდებული ადამიანი, Last week I promised you a paper about how to do video encoding via neural networks. To be frank, I will fail to deliver that paper as it does not exist in…
Read more of How generating images from a sketch helps to improve your Zoom call